
To build awareness concerning issues impacting local watersheds and to facilitate the participation of public and private sector entities in sustainable and holistic projects aimed at improving the status of rivers and watersheds throughout Trinidad and Tobago.

Specific Objectives

  • Educate citizens across Trinidad and Tobago about water pollution issues locally, how they contribute toward some of these problems and how they can help to solve them.
  • Foster appreciation for the natural environment and by extension national pride whilst maintaining an open, sharing, facilitating atmosphere within the Adopt A River Programme.
  • Promote a volunteerism ethic at all levels of society.
  • Empower all users of water – private and public sector agencies, communities and schools – to protect water resources and participate in water resource management.
  • Facilitate the involvement of patrons and sponsors in stakeholder empowerment and water resource management strategies.
  • Develop and make available the necessary tools for training and empowering local implementing agents and other role-players.
  • Ensure optimum efficiency through involvement and linkages with other existing programmes and water resource initiatives.
  • Provide an agent for sustainable change in culture and behaviour toward sustaining the health and aesthetics of our rivers.